Neuron Model

DigiCortex 0.97 - Updated Model of Early Visual System

DigiCortex v0.97 adds further improvements to the model of early vision: thalamic (dLGN) processing. Signal coming from the virtual retina is now passed through a pool of neurons in dorsal Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (dLGN) and projected to primary visual cortex (V1). Cortico-thalamic feedback and inhibition through Reticular Thalamic Nucleus (RTN) is also modeled. Click on the article to read more!

DigiCortex 0.96 - Preview of the Retinal Module

DigiCortex v0.96 brings early support for visual input from the outside world. Input from a web camera or a Sony(R) PS3 Eye Cam can be fed to artificial retina processing stage (using Virtual Retina package from INRIA Neuromathcomp research-team) and then to two arrays of simulated retinal ganglion cells ('ON' and 'OFF' layers). Final destination for the retinal signal is primary visual cortex (V1). Click on the article to read more!

SpikeFun v0.94 - Adaptive Exponential Integrate and Fire (AdEx) Neuron Model

SpikeFun v0.94 brings support for Adaptive Exponential Integrate and Fire (AdEx or Brette-Gerstner) neuron model. AdEx neuron model is qualitatively similar to Izhikevich' neuron model, undergoes the same bifurcations and can reproduce various spiking patterns of cortical neurons. However, AdEx model parameters could be directly related to biophysical quantities and its spike initiation is exponential, not quadratic. DigiCortex Engine can simulate neurons with both models in the same simulation. Click on the title to find out more...

SpikeFun 0.77 - Unlocking the DigiCortex Power...

SpikeFun v0.77 brings the open and extensible XML-based project configuration system, allowing deep access to the neuronal simulation configuration as well as possibilities of extending and/or changing the simulation behavior. Furthermore, entire neuron library is now open and defined in XML models, allowing for many interesting experiments... click on the title to find out more!

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